“Empowerment begins with unshakeable character, resilient minds, and a purpose-driven path. Let's build college champions who thrive in every facet of life.”

-Mike Pointer

Building College Champions:
The Master Keys to Creating
Emotionally Strong, Resilient, Successful College Students

Mike Pointer Keynote & Workshop

College, commonly seen as one of the most exciting stages in one's life, full of new experiences, learning, and personal growth, presents a number of challenges for students to conquer. Beneath the surface of this exhilarating journey are a variety of difficulties, ranging from financial limits to mental health issues, which can occasionally overshadow higher education's transformative potential. In this keynote, Coach Mike Pointer will explore some of the most prevalent issues that college students experience and consider potential solutions to help them overcome the obstacles they will face on their path to self-discovery and success.

About This Topic

  • Building Unshakeable Character
    A college degree and other academic accolades are great. But in the “real world,” one’s talents can take them where their character may not sustain them. Students will learn the fundamental building blocks of how to develop strong, unshakeable character. Becoming high value, productive members of society.

  • Effectively Dealing With Toxic Friends
    Although making new friends and establishing connections to build community is important, social relations can cause conflicts and become a distraction. Students will discover how to identify the most important key character traits in their peers to help them build more positive, productive relationships.

  • Budgeting Hacks For College Students
    According to studies, the average debt among four-year college graduates who borrowed student loans is $30,000. Additionally, students borrow an average of $1,500 on credit cards. With growing interest rates, repaying this amount of debt might take years. It can also impede a student's personal development and limit career options. In this keynote, students will learn how to significantly reduce potential financial hardship by developing budgeting strategies that take into account their needs, constraints, and ambitions.

  • Solving The Self-Worth/Confidence Dilemma
    According to a recent study of 600 college freshmen, students who based their self-worth and confidence on external sources, such as appearance, approval from others, and even academic performance, reported higher levels of stress, anger, academic problems, relationship conflicts, and drug and alcohol use, as well as eating disorder symptoms. Participants will discover how to build their self-worth and confidence by adopting goals and objectives that foster service to others. Making significant contributions to humankind above and beyond themselves.

  • The Truth About Goals vs Objectives
    College students are taught to have goals, develop a plan, take action and have a deadline. This approach can be one of the biggest recipes for failure if not explored and understood correctly. Students can end up developing anxiety, frustration and even depression when they don’t meet deadlines, they have set for themselves. Participants will learn the correct way to design goals to meet their objectives.

  • Living With Intention via Discovering Your Life’s Purpose
    61% of college grads would go back and change their major if they could start over. This can lead to post graduate anxiety and depression as they enter the real world. Participants will be equipped with a roadmap of how to discover a fulfilling life path after college. Creating empowered, energized, productive, members of society.

Keynote Takeaways

More Info

All packages include:

✔ A pre-engagement call with Mike Pointer

Keynotes feature:

✔ Unlimited seats
✔ 60-90 minute live or virtual session
✔ Optional Q&A

All starting at:

USD $5,000

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